What’s Inside. The Metro Proponent is a free monthly newspaper and online source for in-depth alternative news. Metro Proponent covers local, national and international interests with a focus on politics, economics, social issues, culture, education, health and entertainment. Our audience consists of young professionals, entrepreneurs and culturally aware people who are diverse and local-centric. Our vision is to be the source of CrEaTiVe and complete entertainment and news for urban living in the Charlotte and surrounding areas. Our mission, to provide comprehensive coverage of all things “METRO” in: art, events, music, issues, people, education and so much more.
The People’s Paper. Themes in the Metro Proponent change monthly. We are where are the people are…EVERYWHERE! Connect with us to find out upcoming themes to promote your business and services through giveaways, an advice column, demonstrations and other trades.
Fans in more than Stands. Metro Proponent distributes over 120,000 papers in uptown stands, Food Lion and Harris Teeter stores as well as local businesses in the city. Since print is not always convenient, issues are available here online. Content is sent to our email list of over +127,300 people. During the course of the month we receive over 110,000 unique website views. Visitors check out our blog, videos, issue content and photos.
Connect with Us! For questions about events or stories in the paper, please reach out to us. We also enjoy sponsoring community events, let us know what you have going on! Write-in at PO Box 560514, Charlotte, NC 28256 or email us at metroproponentnews@gmail.com